Sunday, May 3, 2015

Security Central

I read a couple of weeks ago that South Africa has the largest Private Security industry in the world.  You don't have to drive or walk far to know that could surely be true.

Our apartment building has at least two security men on duty at all times, one at the front door and one at the garage door.

Our apartment building.  We're second floor (out of 5), center

A lady standing next to security wall beneath the electrified wire

The Area office has two or more on duty also.  One has to drive through two security gates to get to the doors or to the parking garages.

The mall across the street from our flat has probably 6 or 8 on duty.  Johannesburg is supposed to have a high crime rate, but we really feel pretty safe walking or driving around.  They tell us we should always drive with the windows up and doors locked. Also, that we shouldn't have anything in site in the car as we drive.

All of these walls are topped by electrified wires

We live in kind of an upscale area of town but certainly not an exclusive type area.  Nearly every property (apartment buildings and houses) have walls surrounding them.  These walls are almost always topped with electrified fences.

Just an old man looking up at an amazing, beautiful and huge tree

Every property has warning signs like this

Mom distracting a security guard from his post.  His chair is there on sidewalk. 
Note the other guard shack in the background

On the streets just North of our flat where we go for walks, lots of the houses have security guards in front or in enclosed stations by the gates.

Security station by driveway

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